
Our trainings

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Vibration Diagnostics

Duration: 1 working day
Price: 145 €
Overnight stay: 40 € (breakfast included)

** There is currently no appointment for this training. If you would like to attend, please register so that we can organize appointments in the near future.
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What will you learn?

A customer complains of vibration at higher speeds, do you know how to determine which component or assembly on the vehicle is causing the vibration with a simple measurement and easy calculation without randomly changing components?

Why is this important?

Probably the least favorite service problems are those related to vehicle vibration. Solving these problems usually involves randomly replacing components. Proper vibration diagnostics saves both time and money!

How will this training improve your work?

After attending the course, participants will be able to determine with certainty the "defective" component based on amplitudes and frequencies.

Training content

Ovaj napredni kurs pokriva dijagnostikovanje vibracija kao i izolaciju problematičnih komponenti koje dovode do vibracija i buke, a sve to uz korišćenje određenih specijalnih alata.

Theoretical part (30%)

Checking the vehicle and components before the test drive and the rules for the test drive.

Practical part (70%)

– Proper use of vibration measuring tools;
– Determination of vibrations related to the engine and vibrations related to other vehicle systems;
– Determination of the frequency of various components on the vehicle;
– Frequency measurement on the vehicle;
– Calculation of the measured frequencies and location of the problematic component.