For the second year in a row, ECAP was given the opportunity to work with the German GIZ International Cooperation Organization. GIZ and ECAP will continue their cooperation on the project of German development cooperation “Reform of secondary vocational education”, which aims to support the development of the educational system in Serbia and includes the education and training of teachers of secondary vocational schools. The ECAP School Center will hold trainings for high school teachers of technical orientation and in that way contribute to the improvement of education in Serbia.
Programs that are covered by cooperation with GIZ are:
• Exhaust Gases Aftertreatment
• Petrol Engine Management
• Dual Clutch Transmissions
• Passive Safety Systems – Air Bag
• Hybrid Vehicle Drive
• Automatic Transmissions
This year, 14 teachers from 7 high schools of technical orientation from all over Serbia will attend these seminars.
After the first training, teachers of secondary vocational schools were very satisfied with this type of professional development and emphasized that they would, through the knowledge they gained, significantly improve the quality of teaching.
Predrag Miljković from Mechanical School “Radoje Dakić” said on this occasion: “Training at the ECAP school center gave us an idea of the direction we need to think about when procuring equipment for teaching. This equipment will greatly help modernize teaching and increase the quality of the practical knowledge that students will acquire. Schools at this moment are not sufficiently familiar with the new trends in the automotive industry, and that is why ECAP’s professional development makes a lot of sense to us. “
Jon Boljanac from the Mechanical School in Pančevo after completing the training stated: “I would like to thank technical trainers from the ECAP school center for excellent training and patience to answer all of our questions. I especially liked that the training was quite practical and that the knowledge we acquired could be applied immediately in the classroom. “
ECAP je drugu godinu zaredom dobio priliku da sarađuje sa Nemačkom organizacijom za međunarodnu saradnju GIZ. GIZ i ECAP će nastaviti dosadašnju saradnju na projektu nemačke razvojne saradnje “Reforma srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja”, koja za cilj ima podršku razvoju obrazovnog sistema u Srbiji i podrazumeva edukaciju i usavršavanje nastavnika srednjih stručnih škola. ECAP školski centar će održavati obuke za nastavnike srednjih škola tehničkog usmerenja i na taj način doprineti unapređenju obrazovanja u Srbiji.
Programi koji su obuhvaćeni saradnjom sa GIZ-om su:
- Tretman izduvnih gasova
- Upravljanje benzinskim motorima
- DSG menjači
- Pasivni sistemi bezbednosti – Air Bag
- Hibridni pogon vozila
- Automatski menjači
Na pomenutim seminarima će ove godine prisustvovati 14 nastavnika iz 7 srednjih škola tehničkog usmerenja sa teritorije cele Srbije.
Nakon prve održane obuke nastavnici srednjih strušnih škola bili su jako zadovoljni ovom vrstom stručnog usavršavanja i istakli su da će pomoću znanja koje su stekli značajno unaprediti kvalitet nastave.
Predrag Miljković iz Mašinske škole ,,Radoje Dakić’’ rekao je ovom prilikom: ,,Obuke u ECAP školskom centru su nam dale predstavu u kom smeru treba da razmišljamo prilikom nabavke opreme za izvođenje nastave. Ova oprema bi dosta pomogla modernizaciji nastave i povećala bi kvalitet praktičnog znanja koje bi učenici stekli. Škole u ovom trenutku nisu dovoljno upoznate sa novim trendovima u auto industriji i zato nam stručna usavršavanja u ECAP -u mnogo znače.’’
Jon Boljanac iz Mašinske škole u Pančevu nakon završene obuke je izjavio sledeće: ,,Zahvalio bih se tehničkim trenerima iz ECAP školskog centra na odličnoj obuci i strpljenju da odgovore na sva naša pitanja. Najviše mi se dopalo to što je obuka dosta praktična i što znanja koja smo stekli možemo odmah da primenimo u samoj nastavi.’’